Training the Mind

I see many people having greater control over their pets than their minds. For example they invest time training their dog, so eventually when they tell their dog, “sit” the dog sits immediately and remains sitting until the next command.

In order to gain better control over our minds we too need to invest time in the training. That training works best if we start with a simple request, “mind focus only on this one thought”. Every time the mind runs away with a distracting thought gently bring it back to the thought of choice.

How about if we choose a training thought that will give power to the mind while it is being repeated? A two for one deal. 🙂 A thought that can remind us of our true nature like, “I am divine.” Or we can choose an ancient Sanskrit mantra, so we get an additional freebie, we get the benefit of the energy that has been invested in that mantra by its countless repetitions over the ages. We can choose one like “Om namah shivaya”, I bow to that universal consciousness. Or we can use soham, “I am that”.  Let that inner prompt help in the choice of the mantra.

Now  we start our day with this training. Settling in so that body is comfortable. Just like we need to pay attention while dog training, so too we need to look to see how the mind is doing as it repeats its mantra.

After a while when the mind starts getting it 🙂 we can go deeper. Listen to the mind repeat the mantra. Later we can combine the mantra with the breath. When mind is more advanced we can listen to the reverberations in the mind after each repetition. Then follow as the sound subsides. The silence that follows. The the mantra once more, the vibrations, like the way a string when plucked, vibrates for a while before becoming still.

I find it very helpful to repeat the mantra as often as possible during the day. Especially if I am busy. Once I create such an intention I discover many idle moments when the mantra can be repeated. It is in such idleness the mind loses it’s energy. Shall we engage in some mind training today?


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