Steps to Intuitive Learning

Intuition is that ability to open up the space to the Universe communicating with us through so many Beings. The Divine has instruments everywhere. All we need to do is open up the field, and all the information we can ever need and want will come to us. That is intuitive learning.

But it requires tremendous humility of the intellect. Because the tendency in all of us, with the ego, is to think that “we know.” So I love that statement, “He who knows that he knows not, really knows.” Then that is a platform for learning, that is a platform for intuitive awareness. And he who thinks he knows, really has closed the field, knows not.

Orchids-in-their-Natural-Environment-900x581.jpgSo where are you? Are you open in every moment, to every instrument, to learn from an ant, to learn from a fly, to learn from a bird, to learn from human beings who we consider ignorant and uneducated? We can learn from everybody. The moment we begin to respect every being in the Universe, and to realize they can teach us, we have become a true student of life. Open your space to intuitive wisdom, to intuitive learning, and you will realize that information is always available from the Universe. 

We are in a time period now, where there is an amazing store of information about spirituality, about consciousness development. Just open your mind, create a genuine desire, and you will see how much information will come towards you. It is in the field!

So be intuitively receptive, and you will be nourished from the information field. Do not embrace poverty in terms of knowledge. There is an ocean of knowledge in the Universe. Open your vessels and you will be filled to your maximum!  Sri Vasudeva