Unconditional Love can Protect and Sustain You


If we pursue love more, if we break beyond the limitations, can you imagine what the love will be? Some people think that they give their power away and become weaker when they love like that, but that’s not true. When you love beyond condition, when you love in every situation you enter a field that protects and sustains you. You move into a field that is healing and revitalizing. We need to fearlessly break the limitations of conditional loving. Sri Vasudeva

Shine Through Your Unique Personality

When you wake up to a new day, how much do you do in really charging yourself up at every level? You need to come into that deeper centre of love and excitement and desire to engage in the play in a very powerful way the moment you wake up in the morning, and to centre yourself where your strength is. Sri Vasudevalotus-flower-water-1024x645.jpg